Thursday 9 February 2012

Murder On The Dancefloor

From the bars to the barriers and beyond, the Ritz in Manchester is bouncing, and it's not because of the venue's infamous rubber dancefloor either.

Tonight The Ritz bounces for 'The Next Big Thing', HMV's 'Next Big Thing' to be precise. An oft used slice of muso cliche to hype any modern band who puts out a catchy first single, the 'Next Big Things' tend to have a shelf life that even Steve Brookstein would rip the piss out of. Burden said saviours of music with a hometown of Manchester and you've got a snowballing hype machine that forgets that it's no longer 1994 and not everyone's 'mad fer it'.

Janice Graham Band don't posture, wave daffodils or dance enigmatically onstage, which may seem alien to Madchester enthusiasts, but by laying on an almost hour long assault of Pistols gone Specials turned Arctics euphoria, they smash any lingering expectations of what a Manchester band is supposed to be.

A riotous live reputation preceeds the fresh faced quartet yet tonight they appear in a more business like mood, rifling out tune after tune with killer efficiency, including the singles 'No Money, Honey' and the monstrous 'Murder' which growls with a hundred times the ferocity in person than it does on wax.

It's a testament to JGB that with each song, their merchandise table at the back of the room is descended upon with increasing regularity as CD's, vinyls and t shirts do the old hot cakes routine on their way back to the homes of what will soon become adoring owners. Fifty yards to the left stands Manchester legend John Robb, suitably grinning his appreciation at what is surely the beginning of something very special happening in front of him. The same grin is being worn around the Ritz and then out into the baltic Manchester streets as the teenage and middle age alike manically recall their favourite songs from the set as if comparing their favourite bits of Pulp Fiction for the first time.

Last night, in the very same building, XFM handed out their New Music Award for 2011 to The Vaccines. Should all go according to plan, Janice Graham will be gracing the Ritz stage again this time next year to collect the same award.

Until next time, Keep on Keepin' on,



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